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#LetterV Of My Alphabet Challenge #SeventeethBookOf2024 

The cover of this book is so beautiful😍😍. Fashion meets Tech in this inspiring novel. Zoe decided to leave her job in fashion writing behind and take up a new one in marketing a fashion app,where she has no experience at all. She decides she is going to put her all into it and make the app a success. 

Zoe begins to have imposter syndrome, struggling to decide whether she made the right decision by leaving her whole life behind just to take up this new job. I loved Zoe and her whole character, the way she brings out the best in people, and how her charisma is infectious (if I can use that word 😂).

I liked Bill at first, but it turns out he was a shitty person.

All in all, the book is nice—the kind of book you read to have butterflies in your stomach and the kind of book to pursue dreams.

Here's to everyone pursuing dreams: YOUR DREAMS ARE VALID.



A two-thousand-dollar Dior dress can look frumpy if not styled right, but a cheap blazer dug out from a thrift shop bin can look like a million bucks if you know how to accessorize it.

Well, I’ve always believed dressing up isn’t about turning someone into a different person, but bringing out the best person they can be.

Things that are worth doing are always hard.

Fashion is all about making people buy into an illusion.

Fashion was an industry built on who you knew and what you knew.

Don’t stop giving yourself the chance to try and fail, to learn and grow. It’s okay to not have your shit together—no one does, no matter how much they look like they do on the surface.


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